Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

About to venture into the tattoo world......

ready to get some ink done on my right forearm. i'm sure it'll hurt but i'm also sure it will look good.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Not too much going on....

Might be moving to a new place....
Just have to check it out but i'm sure it's kewl
have my own entrance and bathroom

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Ah, the big 35!!!!!

I don't feel 35 and some of the time I sure as hell don't act 35.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Damn fast!!!

the new F-22 fighter

a little taste of patriotism...

Believe in something.....

cutie....she's about 5 here


Resident Evil Apocalypse chick........

new image of an Akula russian hunterkiller sub

a good scale modeller magazine

Good stuff for the scale modeller

Borat..Jackass II..Digital HDD camcorder

If anyone hasn't seen this movie, you have got to see it. Alot of funny and alot of gross. I never thought I'd like it but it's like a car accident, you have to look but you don't want to. Another way out there movie is Jackass II, the sickest bunch of misfits together making a movie. Another one that's just so crazy and nasty you can't help but to watch. Everything from dressing up a guys schlong as a mouse and enticing a snake to take a bite to a guy riding a rocket for a distance record. I just bought Super Troopers and Ferris Bueller's Day Off(a classic!)

also just bought myself a digital HDD camcorder. Sony DCR-SR200



What a visually stunning piece of work!

I loved the action and the whole premise about true warriors doing what needs to be done and giving themselves for a greater good
Great fighting sequences and a little bit of intrigue and alot of visceral fight sequences.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Old school superman set.....

Found the Christopher Reeve Supeman DVD Collection at Walmart last night. I was looking for it a while back but no luck and I think after about a month, they finally updated their movie stock. Great set and was only $50

Thursday, February 01, 2007

LIfe...The final boldly go......

you live life to the fullest, well you try to live it to the fullest
love is a little harder to find and alot harder to hold onto
one thing that I have come to realize thru experience is that taking it slow is usually the best medicine. Anything worth having is worth waiting for or going slow for. What makes it all possible is Communication, without good communication you don't stand a chance.

Friday, August 18, 2006

My New 2007 Mustang

I traded in my 2006 for a new 2007 Mustang. Exactly the same except for the 2007 has a new type of spoiler.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Iron Man...Iron Man...Iron Man......

Robert Downew Jr. will be playing the part of Tony Stark and Terrance Howard will be James "Rhodey" Rhodes

They are finally going to make an Iron Man movie!!!!!!

Jon Favreau will the directing and he has stated that no big names will be playing the part of Iron Man.

This is going to be one of the films that Marvel has direct control over. You can rest assured that they will do right by us Fanboy/Fangirls.

All I can say is that it's about damn time!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Blame video games for everything??????

Why do these ultra conservatives and wacko lawyers think they can regulate the gaming industry. This Jack Thompson thinks he can bring down Rockstar because some shit stain killed 3 cops and said that he had played GTA:Vice City. Why not blame the gun manufacturer who made the gun? Why not blame his parents? or maybe his enviornment? But ofcourse everyone is missing the real person to blame......THE GUY WHO SHOT THE 3 COPS!!!!!! Now there's a novel idea.
I don't approve of under age kids getting ahold of violent games but all we can do is put in place a system that prevents(most of the time) under age kids from getting their hands on violent games. We have the ESRB in place to give us games and us parents some guidelines to help with ratings decisions. We as parents can test games out before we let our kids play them to see if they are appropriate or not.
Don't blame the companies who make the games. Blame the person who shot 3 people or the guy who shot people on a highway. It's absurd as blaming God because some guy strangled someone with his bare hands and god was the one who made those hands. That is just so absurd. There are obviously chemical and physiological responses that happen when people play games that help them to "get into the flow" of the game, but that is all just part of the whole experience. It's up to the parents to teach their kids right from wrong and that it's just a game. Parents do what they have to do to limit the childrens exposure to violent game. Give them the tools and once they are of age, they will know that the games are there to have fun with, relieve some stress.
I'm an avid videogamer and I love all types of games, but I also know that you don't go out and portray in real life what you just did in the game. I should have that choice to buy that game, to play that game for hours. For years people have been trying to take away those choices, but you know what??? They have failed and will continue to fail. You can't take away a basic freedom for people to make the games and express themselves and you can't take away the freedom for people to buy those games and play them

Here is a link to the latest Senate hearings on game sales

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Possible birthday gift to myself

flying with the birds and jumping out of perfectly good airplanes

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Walking on the moon was an amazing accomplishment. The Mercury 7 astronauts were some amazing individuals. July 27, 2005, a day after the shuttle Discovery was launched into space, all further shuttle activity was halted. Why you ask??? Foam. So now NASA is investigating the foam problem and they have a target date when the shuttle program will start up again, May 2006. Why can't NASA just say to the public and whoever else is listening that they will begin shuttle flights when they have the problem fixed. Game companies, Bungie (make of Halo and Halo 2), can say a game will be done when it's done. Why can't NASA do the same thing??? Could it be pressure from the big honcho's?? well remember pressure is what forced the shuttle Challenger to be launched when it should have stayed on the ground and we all know what happened to the Challenger. Have the guts to say, we'll launch when we launch!

Saturday, November 19, 2005


this movie has a bit of everything in it. Action, comedy, a touch of romance, sci-fi. It's a japanese subtitled movie about an assasin who wounds a young girl and ends up helping her to avert the destruction of the human race. Some great gun play scenes, very good CGI.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Monday, September 19, 2005

What is up with Justice these days.....

do we even need to hesitate, as people, to put this guy on his knees and put 2 in em???
these leech's of society continue to manifest themselves as innocent occupants to a "the Devil made me do it" mentality.
People like this are wired wrong at birth
Let Lady Liberty do what she needs to do and expunge our planet of this kind of filth....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


In what kind of society does a man get fired from his job for eating 2/3 pieces of someone else's pizza......well the answer to that question would be right here in the good old US of A. A computer engineer from Highlands Ranch, CO was fired because he ate a few pieces of pizza that some other employees had earmarked to take home.
The piss ant whining co-workers of the displaced engineer complained to management and 1 month later the engineer was fired. Talking about a total utter waste of time by "management" to even take this pizza eating incident other than a load of crap!!!!!!
I'm sure the guy would have been more than happy to buy pizza for everyone as "punishment" for his racoon tactics instead of getting fired. Last week the fired worker won an online contest for having the strangest firing story, the prize: a free Caribbean cruise.
Well, hopefully the people who complained about the pizza will get stuck in a limo with Pizza the Hut......

link of Official story:

Saturday, September 03, 2005

FPS's rule!!!!

For those of you that don't know what an FPS is, it stands for First Person Shooter. Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six 3: Raven Shield, Athena Sword and the free Iron Wraith, which includes six SP missions are some of the best FPS's around. Very detailed, nice weapon graphics and sounds.
You don't need a blazing fast computer to play them and you still get great graphic and gameplay. These games really draw you in. Iron Wraith is a free addon that enables you to play six single player missions. the MP-7 is a new addition and with a silencer attached, the bad guys better watch out.
For those who like to use cheat codes, here are some:
press the ~ (tilde) key for the console
god=god mode
fullammo=250 of all ammo and grenades
perfectaim=all crosshairs lock to maximum aiming

Learning about the Animal kingdom

Check out Corwin's Quest on the Animal planet and you will learn still that will just amaze you. A "Horny Devil" in Australia that drinks water just by standing in it, a fish-salamander that hibernates in a rock coffin, a frog that goes into a cryogenic state to survive long cold periods.

Great show and lots of comedy

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Another Shark attacks a human.....hmmmmm

A little food for thought from George Carlin on Sharks......

"Why all this uproar when one of these dumb swimmers gets attacked by a shark? Don't people understand the ocean is the shark's domain?..."--George Carlin

The last fatal shark attack in Australian waters was reported in March, when a 20 foot (6-meter) great white shark tore a man in half, killing him instantly as he snorkeled off the west coast.

I say if you're going to go in the water with these aquatic predators, do it in a cage...a very strong cage

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sick of hearing Kelly Clarkson on the radio!!!

I don't know about anyone else but good god, I am so tired of hearing Kelly Clarkson on the radio!!!! It's to a point now where I'm just sick of the girl. Maybe she's nice and maybe she's not, but the rate that the radio station in my town plays her songs, god it makes me sick........

Interesting Knife/Tactical stuff site

just ran into this site by accident when I was searching for info on a Tactical Duostock

This edition knife was named after the first combat death in Afghanistan, a navy SEAL. This guys helicopter was taking heavy RPG fire and he was thrown from the loading ramp into the middle of enemy fighters. Neil Roberts fought hard and even turned some of the enemy fighters weapons against them.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

a 1/6th or 12" figure collector

I have been collecting 1/6 figures for about 4 years now. There is so much detail in these figures and if you go to this site
and you will see all the great mods that people have made with modern and historical figures

Anime nowdays

Boy I just rented a 2004 release of AppleSeed and boy was I blown away. The animation or 3d was just amazing. I have always wanted to know about mr. bunny ears (Briareos) and his Hecatonchires armor. here is a site that give you some info about it

New Blogger

well this is my first blogging site so I'm just going to have fun with it. I'm open for suggestions and comments.