Tuesday, September 06, 2005


In what kind of society does a man get fired from his job for eating 2/3 pieces of someone else's pizza......well the answer to that question would be right here in the good old US of A. A computer engineer from Highlands Ranch, CO was fired because he ate a few pieces of pizza that some other employees had earmarked to take home.
The piss ant whining co-workers of the displaced engineer complained to management and 1 month later the engineer was fired. Talking about a total utter waste of time by "management" to even take this pizza eating incident other than a load of crap!!!!!!
I'm sure the guy would have been more than happy to buy pizza for everyone as "punishment" for his racoon tactics instead of getting fired. Last week the fired worker won an online contest for having the strangest firing story, the prize: a free Caribbean cruise.
Well, hopefully the people who complained about the pizza will get stuck in a limo with Pizza the Hut......

link of Official story:

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