Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Walking on the moon was an amazing accomplishment. The Mercury 7 astronauts were some amazing individuals. July 27, 2005, a day after the shuttle Discovery was launched into space, all further shuttle activity was halted. Why you ask??? Foam. So now NASA is investigating the foam problem and they have a target date when the shuttle program will start up again, May 2006. Why can't NASA just say to the public and whoever else is listening that they will begin shuttle flights when they have the problem fixed. Game companies, Bungie (make of Halo and Halo 2), can say a game will be done when it's done. Why can't NASA do the same thing??? Could it be pressure from the big honcho's?? well remember pressure is what forced the shuttle Challenger to be launched when it should have stayed on the ground and we all know what happened to the Challenger. Have the guts to say, we'll launch when we launch!

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